
Marugame castle - 17

Marugame castle - 17

I put Jackie on the table and took a picture of "瀬戸大橋 = Se to O hashi" and "宇多津ゴールドタワー = U ta zu Gold Tower" for a moment.
It is difficult to understand when it is photograph, but "宇多津ゴールドタワー = U ta zu Gold Tower" is the tower that looks dark on the right.
The "瀬戸大橋 = Se to O hashi" is visible to the left and right of the tower.
I frequently ranned around under this stone wall when as a child.

At the bottom of this page, "岡城 = Oka jyou" which was destroyed at the same time as "丸亀城 = Maru game jyou" which I introduce the aerial photographs of "岡城 = Oka jyou" and music with images of "岡城 = Oka jyou". Please have a look.

瀬戸大橋 = Se to O hashi(Seto Ohashi Bridge)
宇多津ゴールドタワー = U ta zu Gold Tower(Utazu Gold Tower)
岡城 = Oka jyou(Oka Castle)
丸亀城 = Maru game jyou(Marugame castle)
天守 = Ten syu(Castle tower)
隅櫓 = Sumi yagura(Corner tower)
城壁 = Jyou heki(castle wall)

I do not explain in order because I follow the order of description on my homepage.
It is a page of Japanese.
If you like, please see the photos on the website below.
Currently 4 pages are listed.

Marugame castle

From last article...
Most castles in Japan have been demolished by about 150 years ago by the Meiji New Government from now.
From the samurai society until that time, instead of the political system by the Emperor, they destroyed the castle which is its symbol so that no samurai will rise again.

"岡城 = Oka jyou(Oka Castle)" of Kyushu also that lost all the "天守 = Ten syu" and "隅櫓 = Sumi yagura", "城壁 = Jyou heki" of the castle ...
Can you understand that sadness of our samurai?

Castle in the sky of Takeda City, Oita Prefecture
Aerial view, Castle in the sky, Oka castle and Cherry blossom

Aerial in drone the Oka castle June 2016

First of all, photos of the old "岡城 = Oka jyou(Oka Castle)" are shown.

Rentaro Taki: Kojo no Tsuki

Kojo no Tsuki (The Moon over the Ruined Castle)

Moon Over the Ruined Castle - YO YO MA ( R. Taki )

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