From here, it will be a picture of another day.
This picture is a rock called "兜岩 = Kabuto iwa" on the west side of "城山 = Shiro yama". Well on this rock is the playground when I was a child. I played everyday. At that time there was a small cave in the back of this rock. It was a fragile and easily destroyed cave, so it was blown up when I was elementary school lower grades.
This rock is called a "岩頸 = Gan kei" and the igneous rock is eroded by this erosion.
Also in the vicinity where the "御殿 = Go ten", "社 = Yashiro" was built on this rock, and it was said that it was also called "天神山 = Ten jin yama".
"天神 = Ten jin" refers to "菅原道真 = Sugawara Michizane" called "雷神 = Rai jin" and "学問の神 = Gakumon no kami".
He became "文章博士 = bunshou Hakase" and He served to my ancestor "宇多天皇 = Emperor Uta", as a "右大臣 = Udaijin" and was a political reformer.
And "宇多天皇 = Emperor Uta" was abdicated, in the era of "醍醐天皇 = Emperor Daigo", his sharp political reforms were disgusted by aristocrats, be accused from aristocrats,and "菅原道真 = Sugawara Michizane" was exiled to "大宰府 = Dazaifu" in Kyushu.
He died of disappointment, and plague and disaster occurred everywhere including the capital "京都 = Kyoto".
And the reason why he is called "雷神 = Rai jin". Which he killed aristocrats by thunder. When aristocrats during the meeting at the "清涼殿 = Sei ryou den" in the palace by his gost.
Please enjoy "Marugame Castle projection mapping" on youtube site below.
兜岩 = Kabuto iwa(Steel helmet rock)
城山 = Shiro yama(Castle mountain)
岩頸 = Gan kei(A kind of igneous rock)
御殿 = Go ten(Palace of feudal lord)
社 = Yashiro(A Shinto shrine)
天神山 = Ten jin yama(Mountain of 雷神 = Rai jin(Thunder god)
天神山 = Ten jin yama(Mountain of 学問の神 = Gakumon no kami(Academic god)
菅原道真 = Sugawara Michizane
雷神 = Rai jin(Thunder god)
学問の神 = Gakumon no kami(Academic god)
文章博士 = bunshou Hakase(Doctor of Writing)
宇多天皇 = Emperor Uta
右大臣 = Udaijin(Right minister)
醍醐天皇 = Emperor Daigo
大宰府 = Dazaifu
清涼殿 = Sei ryou den
I do not explain in order because I follow the order of description on my homepage.
It is a page of Japanese.
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Currently 4 pages are listed.
Marugame castle
By the way, Listen and compare the dance "La Follia" that was prevalent in medieval Spain.
What period of composers do you like the work of you?
"La Follia" listening compare
Please listen to "La Follia" which was composed by many composers in other times.
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