Marugame castle - 35
The figure of a samurai who is watching the direction of "大手一の門 = Oo-te-ichi-no-mon" in the same "枡形 = Masu-gata" ·····.
This "大手一の門 = Oo-te-ichi-no-mon" is called "櫓門 = Yagura-mon". Also, because the Marugame samurai clapped the drum and told the time, we call it '太鼓門 = Tai-ko-mon'.
Even now, at the "大手一の門 = Oo-te-ichi-no-mon", tapped the Japanese Drum nine times at "九つ時 = Kokono-tsu-doki = noon" to inform Marugame citizen of noon.
In the Edo era of Japan, we divided the sunrise to the sunset in six parts, and divided the sunset to sunrise in six parts.
In Japan, it is time unit of "一刻 = I-ttoki", about two hours in current time unit.
In summer and autumn, a big difference occurs between "一刻 = I-ttoki" in the daytime and "一刻 = I-ttoki" in the night.
"Edo period" called Edison "平賀源内 = Hira-ga Gen-nai" is born in the land of this Sanuki.
He invented the temple's "automatic bell falling machine" from around the summer and at winter was completed.
When it actually operated, the sound of a big bell sounded at midnight, and many people said he complained to him if they could not sleep.
Japanese people think that "平賀源内 = Hira-ga Gen-nai" remains many inventory items, and is an inventor equivalent to Edison, Leonardo da Vinci.
0 o'clock-夜九ツ = Night Nine(子ノ刻 = Time of mouse)
1 o'clock-九ツ半 = Nine half
2 o'clock-夜八ツ = Night Eight(丑ノ刻 = Time of Ox)
3 o'clock-八ツ半 = Eight half
4 o'clock-暁七ツ = Dawn Seven(寅ノ刻 = Time of Tiger)
5 o'clock-七ツ半 = Seven half
6 o'clock-明け六ツ = Daybreak Six(卯ノ刻 = Time of Rabbit)
*日の出の30分前 = 30 minutes before sunrise
7 o'clock-六ツ半 = Six half
8 o'clock-朝五ツ = Morning Five(辰ノ刻 = Time of Dragon)
9 o'clock-五ツ半 = Five half
10 o'clock-昼四ツ = Noon Four(巳ノ刻 = Time of Snake)
11 o'clock-四ツ半 = Four half
12 o'clock-昼九ツ = Noon Nine(午ノ刻 = Time of Horse)
13 o'clock-九ツ半 = Nine half
14 o'clock-昼八ツ = Noon Eight(未ノ刻 = Time of Sheep)
15 o'clock-八ツ半 = Eight half
16 o'clock-夕七ツ = Evening Seven(申ノ刻 = Time of Monkey)
17 o'clock-七ツ半 = Seven half
18 o'clock-暮れ六ツ = Sunset Six(酉ノ刻 = Time of Bird)
*日没の30分前 = 30 minutes before sunset
19 o'clock-六ツ半 = Six half
20 o'clock-宵五ツ = Early night hours Five(戌ノ刻 = Time of Dog)
21 o'clock-五ツ半 = Five half
22 o'clock-夜四ツ = Night Four(亥ノ刻 = Time of Boar)
23 o'clock-四ツ半 = Four half
大手一の門 = Oo-te-ichi-no-mon(No.1 main gate)
枡形 = Masu-gata(Rectangular defense facility)
櫓門 = Yagura-mon(Tower gate)
太鼓門 = Tai-ko-mon(Drum gate to inform of time)
太鼓 = Tai-ko(Japanese Drum)
九つ時 = Kokono-tsu-doki(nine times)
一刻 = I-ttoki(Japanese time unit = )
江戸時代 = Edo period
平賀源内 = Hira-ga Gen-nai
天下御免 = Ten-ka-go-men(Public Dismissal)
I do not explain in order because I follow the order of description on my homepage.
It is a page of Japanese.
If you like, please see the photos on the website below.
Currently 4 pages are listed.
Marugame castle
From the topic of "平賀源内 = Hira-ga Gen-nai" ...
It is a theme song of a television drama about 45 years ago from now that drawn "平賀源内 = Hira-ga Gen-nai".
船出の歌 = Song of Sailing
Japanese TV drama...Audio Only
天下御免 第46回 (最終回) さよならだけが人生さ
天下御免 = Ten-ka-go-men 46th (the final round) Only goodbye is life
天下御免1 こんぴら船々3
It is strange to say that there are no recorded pictures even though it is "天下御免 = Ten-ka-go-men" created by the Japan Broadcasting Corporation(NHK).
Because the subtitle of the above drama is "Konpira ship" ...
And this song is a classic song in "Maiko fun".
The temple of Buddhism, which was familiar to Japanese people, "金毘羅さん = 松尾寺金光院 = Matsu-o-ji-kon-kou-in", has been forcibly changed to a shrine in the Meiji era and it has become "金刀比羅宮 = Ko-to-hi-ra-gu or 琴平神宮 = Koto-hira Shrine" for about 150 years.
The current Japanese does not know such a thing, ...
There is a festival on "Kotohira Shrine" from October 9th to 11th, and many people gather from all over Japan.
The festival is the following movie. . .
金刀比羅宮 例大祭
This is my page in Japanese.
A picture of Ko-to-hi-ra Shrine is posted.
I am Catholic so its near but I have not got to go.
I am thinking about writing this blog as much as possible about Marugame castle and Japanese traditional arts.
If you are interested in beauty Ladies of Chinese ancient in line with Cleopatra, please come to my English page below.
Beautiful four girls of ancient Chinese
Marugame castle - 34
Marugame castle - 34
Samurai passing through '大手二の門 = Oo-te-ni-no-mon' and taking a rest at '枡形 = Masu-gata' · · · ·.
"枡形 = Masu-gata" of "Marugame castle" is so big that it can not be seen another Japanese castle.
The architectural style of "大手二の門 = Oo-te-ni-no-mon" is a building style called "高麗門 = Kou-rai-mon".
Although the name is "Goryeo Gate", there is no direct relationship with "Koryo of an ancient nation of Korea".
What is "枡形 = Masu-gata"?
↓Please see the second picture from the bottom of this page.
From "Edo castle"
Current "Edo castle" has a palace of the Japanese Emperor.
Assuming that Jackie is entering into "枡形 = Masu-gata" as an enemy soldier, he will be shot and killed by arrows and bullets from three sides other than the breakthrough gate.
Do not worry!
Marugame castle has never fought.
大手二の門 = Oo-te-ni-no-mon(No.2 main gate)
枡形 = Masu-gata(Rectangular defense facility)
高麗門 = Kou-rai-mon(Goryo Gate)
I do not explain in order because I follow the order of description on my homepage.
It is a page of Japanese.
If you like, please see the photos on the website below.
Currently 4 pages are listed.
Marugame castle
In the last article I introduced "Noh"?
This time I will introduce works taken in the "能 = Noh", "歌舞伎 = Ka-bu-ki", "日本舞踊 = Nihon dance" and "組踊 = Kumi-udui", which was based on the same story that has been passed since long ago.
A direct story is about a 1100 years ago.
It is not a full story ...
能 = Noh - 道成寺 = Dojoji
道成寺 = Dojoji
道成寺 = Dojoji
歌舞伎 = Ka-bu-ki - The Maiden at Dojoji Temple - Nakamura Shikan VII
Nagauta and Japanese dance - 京鹿の子 娘道成寺 = Kyou-ka-no-ko Musume-Do-jo-ji
日本舞踊 = Nihon dance - 京鹿子娘道成寺 = Kyou-ka-no-ko Musume-Do-jo-ji
Dojoji 2002 is a contemporary interpretation of the Dojoji story, featuring the vengeful spirit of a girl who had been rejected by a monk, created in 2002. The Dojoji legend, is one that has been prevalent in the dances and dramas of Japan since the 11th century and has created a dance and drama genre called Dojoji-mono. The story describes the unrequited love of a woman for a monk; being rejected, the woman turns herself from a beautiful girl into a demonic serpent who chases the monk. As the monk takes refuge in the Dojojitemple, the woman destroys both him and the temple bell, (inside which the monk is hiding) by burning them to ashes. The bell serves as a symbol of the woman's desire, longing, passion, anger, and eventual self-destruction.
Dojoji Story: Dojoji 2002 (1)
Dojoji Story: Dojoji 2002 (2)
Dojoji Story: Dojoji 2002 (3)
Dojoji Story: Dojoji 2002 (4)
Dojoji Story: Dojoji 2002 (5)
Current Okinawa Prefecture was an independent country called "琉球 = Ryukyus" in the past.
The Ryukyu has public entertainment and arts influenced by China and Japan.
There is a work similar to the synopsis of "Dojoji" in Japan.
It is a work about 300 years ago from now.
It is not a full story ...
組踊 = Kumi-udui「執心鐘入 = Shu-shin-kani-iri」
組踊 = Kumi-udui「執心鐘入 = Shu-shin-kani-iri」
The story of Shūshin kaniʻiri
Samurai passing through '大手二の門 = Oo-te-ni-no-mon' and taking a rest at '枡形 = Masu-gata' · · · ·.
"枡形 = Masu-gata" of "Marugame castle" is so big that it can not be seen another Japanese castle.
The architectural style of "大手二の門 = Oo-te-ni-no-mon" is a building style called "高麗門 = Kou-rai-mon".
Although the name is "Goryeo Gate", there is no direct relationship with "Koryo of an ancient nation of Korea".
What is "枡形 = Masu-gata"?
↓Please see the second picture from the bottom of this page.
From "Edo castle"
Current "Edo castle" has a palace of the Japanese Emperor.
Assuming that Jackie is entering into "枡形 = Masu-gata" as an enemy soldier, he will be shot and killed by arrows and bullets from three sides other than the breakthrough gate.
Do not worry!
Marugame castle has never fought.
大手二の門 = Oo-te-ni-no-mon(No.2 main gate)
枡形 = Masu-gata(Rectangular defense facility)
高麗門 = Kou-rai-mon(Goryo Gate)
I do not explain in order because I follow the order of description on my homepage.
It is a page of Japanese.
If you like, please see the photos on the website below.
Currently 4 pages are listed.
Marugame castle
In the last article I introduced "Noh"?
This time I will introduce works taken in the "能 = Noh", "歌舞伎 = Ka-bu-ki", "日本舞踊 = Nihon dance" and "組踊 = Kumi-udui", which was based on the same story that has been passed since long ago.
A direct story is about a 1100 years ago.
It is not a full story ...
能 = Noh - 道成寺 = Dojoji
道成寺 = Dojoji
道成寺 = Dojoji
歌舞伎 = Ka-bu-ki - The Maiden at Dojoji Temple - Nakamura Shikan VII
Nagauta and Japanese dance - 京鹿の子 娘道成寺 = Kyou-ka-no-ko Musume-Do-jo-ji
日本舞踊 = Nihon dance - 京鹿子娘道成寺 = Kyou-ka-no-ko Musume-Do-jo-ji
Dojoji 2002 is a contemporary interpretation of the Dojoji story, featuring the vengeful spirit of a girl who had been rejected by a monk, created in 2002. The Dojoji legend, is one that has been prevalent in the dances and dramas of Japan since the 11th century and has created a dance and drama genre called Dojoji-mono. The story describes the unrequited love of a woman for a monk; being rejected, the woman turns herself from a beautiful girl into a demonic serpent who chases the monk. As the monk takes refuge in the Dojojitemple, the woman destroys both him and the temple bell, (inside which the monk is hiding) by burning them to ashes. The bell serves as a symbol of the woman's desire, longing, passion, anger, and eventual self-destruction.
Dojoji Story: Dojoji 2002 (1)
Dojoji Story: Dojoji 2002 (2)
Dojoji Story: Dojoji 2002 (3)
Dojoji Story: Dojoji 2002 (4)
Dojoji Story: Dojoji 2002 (5)
Current Okinawa Prefecture was an independent country called "琉球 = Ryukyus" in the past.
The Ryukyu has public entertainment and arts influenced by China and Japan.
There is a work similar to the synopsis of "Dojoji" in Japan.
It is a work about 300 years ago from now.
It is not a full story ...
組踊 = Kumi-udui「執心鐘入 = Shu-shin-kani-iri」
組踊 = Kumi-udui「執心鐘入 = Shu-shin-kani-iri」
The story of Shūshin kaniʻiri
Marugame castle - 33
Marugame castle - 33
A figure of a samurai looking back in front of "大手二の門 = Oo-te-ni-no-mon".
"天守 = Ten syu" is visible on the roof of "大手二の門 = Oo-te-ni-no-mon".
Jackie is standing on the "石橋 = Ishi-bashi" at Marugame castle "内堀 = Uchi-bori".
Marugamei castle is surrounded by Triple moats, which makes it hard for the enemy to attack.
About 50 years ago when I was a child, "中堀 = Naka-bori" and the "外堀 = Soto-bori" remained partially.
To the current "内堀 = Uchi-bori", Black Swans and Swans swim on the water, big Turtles, Carps and Grass carps are swimming.
In "内堀 = Uchi-bori", bamboo used for "団扇 = Uchi-wa" as a samurai's internal job was submerged.
The Edo period, "殿様 = Tono sama" was also creating a fan.
Marugame city produces 90% of domestic production volume of "practical fan".
↓丸亀団扇 = Maru-game-Uchi-wa
Like the photo, Marugame castle has become a popular castle due to citizens walks and dog walks.
大手二の門 = Oo-te-ni-no-mon(No.2 main gate)
天守 = Ten syu(Castle tower)
石橋 = Ishi-bashi(stone bridge)
内堀 = Uchi-bori(inner moat)
中堀 = Naka-bori(Second moat)
外堀 = Soto-bori(outer moat)
団扇 = Uchi-wa(fan)
殿様 = Tono sama(feudal lord)
丸亀団扇 = Maru-game-Uchi-wa(Marugame fan)
黒鳥 = Koku-chou(Black Swan)
白鳥 = Haku-chou(Swan)
亀 = Kame(Turtles)
鯉 = Koi(Carp)
草魚 = Sou-gyo(Grass carp)
薪能 = Takigi-nou("Noh" performed under lighting by a torch)
羽衣 = Hagoromo(Japanese style Angel's clothes)
天女 = Ten-nyo(Japanese style Angel)
飛天 = Fēi-tiān(Chinese style Angel)
I do not explain in order because I follow the order of description on my homepage.
It is a page of Japanese.
If you like, please see the photos on the website below.
Currently 4 pages are listed.
Marugame castle
The Japanese love the full moon in the autumn, and during this period the Noh stage is held at castles, temples, parks etc, called "薪能 = Takigi-nou".
The program is "羽衣 = Hagoromo"
"白龍 = White dragon" who is a fisherman in "三保の浦 = Miho no Ura" came back to "三保の松原 = Miho no Matsubara".
Then beautiful music and a good fragrance come.
When "白龍 = White dragon" looks around, beautiful clothes are hanging over the branches of the pine.
"白龍 = White dragon" tried to bring home the clothes, "天女 = Ten-nyo" appeared.
She asked me to return "羽衣 = Hagoromo".
She can not return to heaven without "羽衣 = Hagoromo".
However, "白龍 = White dragon" will not return her "羽衣 = Hagoromo" to her.
"天女 = Ten-nyo" is too sad, "白龍 = White dragon" thought to return "羽衣 = Hagoromo".
Condition that returns "羽衣 = Hagoromo" is "天の舞 = Ten-no-mai(Heavenly dance)" and "白龍 = White dragon" tells her.
When "天女 = Ten-nyo" began to wear "Hagoromo", "白龍 = White dragon" doubted her.
People in the heavenly world will not do such a thing.
She started dancing while flying.
I danced for a while, then disappeared into the height of the sky.
Short version of old tales of Japanese "天女 = Ten-nyo"
Feather robe from heaven
Video explanation page of "飛天 = Fēi-tiān"
Festival of the Weaver princess
A figure of a samurai looking back in front of "大手二の門 = Oo-te-ni-no-mon".
"天守 = Ten syu" is visible on the roof of "大手二の門 = Oo-te-ni-no-mon".
Jackie is standing on the "石橋 = Ishi-bashi" at Marugame castle "内堀 = Uchi-bori".
Marugamei castle is surrounded by Triple moats, which makes it hard for the enemy to attack.
About 50 years ago when I was a child, "中堀 = Naka-bori" and the "外堀 = Soto-bori" remained partially.
To the current "内堀 = Uchi-bori", Black Swans and Swans swim on the water, big Turtles, Carps and Grass carps are swimming.
In "内堀 = Uchi-bori", bamboo used for "団扇 = Uchi-wa" as a samurai's internal job was submerged.
The Edo period, "殿様 = Tono sama" was also creating a fan.
Marugame city produces 90% of domestic production volume of "practical fan".
↓丸亀団扇 = Maru-game-Uchi-wa
Like the photo, Marugame castle has become a popular castle due to citizens walks and dog walks.
大手二の門 = Oo-te-ni-no-mon(No.2 main gate)
天守 = Ten syu(Castle tower)
石橋 = Ishi-bashi(stone bridge)
内堀 = Uchi-bori(inner moat)
中堀 = Naka-bori(Second moat)
外堀 = Soto-bori(outer moat)
団扇 = Uchi-wa(fan)
殿様 = Tono sama(feudal lord)
丸亀団扇 = Maru-game-Uchi-wa(Marugame fan)
黒鳥 = Koku-chou(Black Swan)
白鳥 = Haku-chou(Swan)
亀 = Kame(Turtles)
鯉 = Koi(Carp)
草魚 = Sou-gyo(Grass carp)
薪能 = Takigi-nou("Noh" performed under lighting by a torch)
羽衣 = Hagoromo(Japanese style Angel's clothes)
天女 = Ten-nyo(Japanese style Angel)
飛天 = Fēi-tiān(Chinese style Angel)
I do not explain in order because I follow the order of description on my homepage.
It is a page of Japanese.
If you like, please see the photos on the website below.
Currently 4 pages are listed.
Marugame castle
The Japanese love the full moon in the autumn, and during this period the Noh stage is held at castles, temples, parks etc, called "薪能 = Takigi-nou".
The program is "羽衣 = Hagoromo"
"白龍 = White dragon" who is a fisherman in "三保の浦 = Miho no Ura" came back to "三保の松原 = Miho no Matsubara".
Then beautiful music and a good fragrance come.
When "白龍 = White dragon" looks around, beautiful clothes are hanging over the branches of the pine.
"白龍 = White dragon" tried to bring home the clothes, "天女 = Ten-nyo" appeared.
She asked me to return "羽衣 = Hagoromo".
She can not return to heaven without "羽衣 = Hagoromo".
However, "白龍 = White dragon" will not return her "羽衣 = Hagoromo" to her.
"天女 = Ten-nyo" is too sad, "白龍 = White dragon" thought to return "羽衣 = Hagoromo".
Condition that returns "羽衣 = Hagoromo" is "天の舞 = Ten-no-mai(Heavenly dance)" and "白龍 = White dragon" tells her.
When "天女 = Ten-nyo" began to wear "Hagoromo", "白龍 = White dragon" doubted her.
People in the heavenly world will not do such a thing.
She started dancing while flying.
I danced for a while, then disappeared into the height of the sky.
Short version of old tales of Japanese "天女 = Ten-nyo"
Feather robe from heaven
Video explanation page of "飛天 = Fēi-tiān"
Festival of the Weaver princess
Marugame castle - 32
Marugame castle - 32
A brave samurai who entrance to the Marugame castle ...?
He is my dog Jackie, who put on a blue "裃 = Kamishimo" and "袴 = Hakama".
Because he is kept in a samurai, at this time entrance to the castle with "武士の正装 = Bu-shi-no-sei-sou" ...
The joke is over!
The one that is visible in the center is the "大手一の門 = Oo-te-ichi-no-mon" and the one that is visible on the left is the "大手二の門 = Oo-te-ni-no-mon".
Triangle and rectangular "銃眼 = Jyu-gan" are installed in the "大手二の門 = Oo-te-ni-no-mon".
裃 = Kamishimo(sleeveless jacket?)
袴 = Hakama(Pantalon?)
武士の正装 = Bu-shi-no-sei-sou(Bu-shi=Samurai's formal wear)
大手一の門 = Oo-te-ichi-no-mon(No.1 main gate)
大手二の門 = Oo-te-ni-no-mon(No.2 main gate)
銃眼 = Jyu-gan(shooting hole)
I do not explain in order because I follow the order of description on my homepage.
It is a page of Japanese.
If you like, please see the photos on the website below.
Currently 4 pages are listed.
Marugame castle
Following last week's "剣舞「黒田武士」 = Sword dance "Kuroda Samurai", please enjoy "剣舞 = Sword dance".
白虎隊剣舞 = Sword dance White tiger corps
剣舞『一剣』 = Sword dance "One Sword"
剣舞「那須与一宗高」 = Sword dance "Na-su-no-yo-ichi-mune-taka"
Yo-ichi is a master of the Japanese bow.
He is one of the heroes in "源平合戦 = Genpei Battle".
"Genpei Battle" is "源氏 = Genji" and "平家 = Heike" battles.
About "Genji" and "Heike" are explained in this blog.
How about "平家物語 = Heike Monogatari" on that "平家 = Heike"?
This song is sung "那須与一宗高 = Na-su-no-yo-ichi-mune-taka".
Doll era drama
平家物語 = HeikeMonogatari 扇の的 = Oogi-no-mato
Nasu Sousuichi is the master of the bow which shoots the ""Target of a fan"" played from 5 minutes 26 seconds of the video.
TV drama(With English closed caption)Please watch from around 13 minutes
Yoshitsune Episode 32
A brave samurai who entrance to the Marugame castle ...?
He is my dog Jackie, who put on a blue "裃 = Kamishimo" and "袴 = Hakama".
Because he is kept in a samurai, at this time entrance to the castle with "武士の正装 = Bu-shi-no-sei-sou" ...
The joke is over!
The one that is visible in the center is the "大手一の門 = Oo-te-ichi-no-mon" and the one that is visible on the left is the "大手二の門 = Oo-te-ni-no-mon".
Triangle and rectangular "銃眼 = Jyu-gan" are installed in the "大手二の門 = Oo-te-ni-no-mon".
裃 = Kamishimo(sleeveless jacket?)
袴 = Hakama(Pantalon?)
武士の正装 = Bu-shi-no-sei-sou(Bu-shi=Samurai's formal wear)
大手一の門 = Oo-te-ichi-no-mon(No.1 main gate)
大手二の門 = Oo-te-ni-no-mon(No.2 main gate)
銃眼 = Jyu-gan(shooting hole)
I do not explain in order because I follow the order of description on my homepage.
It is a page of Japanese.
If you like, please see the photos on the website below.
Currently 4 pages are listed.
Marugame castle
Following last week's "剣舞「黒田武士」 = Sword dance "Kuroda Samurai", please enjoy "剣舞 = Sword dance".
白虎隊剣舞 = Sword dance White tiger corps
剣舞『一剣』 = Sword dance "One Sword"
剣舞「那須与一宗高」 = Sword dance "Na-su-no-yo-ichi-mune-taka"
Yo-ichi is a master of the Japanese bow.
He is one of the heroes in "源平合戦 = Genpei Battle".
"Genpei Battle" is "源氏 = Genji" and "平家 = Heike" battles.
About "Genji" and "Heike" are explained in this blog.
How about "平家物語 = Heike Monogatari" on that "平家 = Heike"?
This song is sung "那須与一宗高 = Na-su-no-yo-ichi-mune-taka".
Doll era drama
平家物語 = HeikeMonogatari 扇の的 = Oogi-no-mato
Nasu Sousuichi is the master of the bow which shoots the ""Target of a fan"" played from 5 minutes 26 seconds of the video.
TV drama(With English closed caption)Please watch from around 13 minutes
Yoshitsune Episode 32
Marugame castle - 31
Marugame castle - 31
Dog Jackie waiting for me to finish taking a picture of the castle
The wind was also a strong day, so it gradually became he disgusted.
Leaving the Jackie on the table?
Because, safety fences are installed so as not to fall near the "石垣 = Ishi gaki" for human, a dog whose body size does not match will fall out of the stone wall.
Especially since Jackie is an active dog ...
For Jackie, Marugame Castle is his favorite walking course, he is familiar with walking.
And it is a walking path of Marugame citizen and a place of relaxation.
石垣 = Ishi gaki(stone wall)
I do not explain in order because I follow the order of description on my homepage.
It is a page of Japanese.
If you like, please see the photos on the website below.
Currently 4 pages are listed.
Marugame castle
Please listen to Japanese old music, which we have less opportunities to listen to like these old Japanese music.
黄鐘調 越殿楽 = Oo-shiki-chou(黄鐘の音を主音とする旋法 = Melody based on A) E-ten-raku
盤渉調 越殿楽 = Ban-shiki-chou(盤渉の音を主音とする旋法 = Melody based on B) E-ten-raku
平調 越殿楽 = Hyou-jyou(平調の音を主音とする旋法 = Melody based on E) E-ten-raku
The above-mentioned old music changes to music like the one below and is liked by the Japanese.
If you speed up the tempo of the above song and simplify the melody it will be the following song.
This music expresses a scene where a samurai dances with a spear and a Japanese Sake cup.
Instead of the Japanese sake 's cup, it expresses the situation with a fan.
Musique japonaise traditionnelle — Ensemble Sakura, 黒田節, Kuroda bushi (minyô)
剣舞「黒田武士」 = Sword dance "Kuroda Samurai"...."節 = tune" instead of "武士 = Bu-shi = Samurai"....?
In Japan, martial artists and artists are divided into various schools, each with its own personality.
Dog Jackie waiting for me to finish taking a picture of the castle
The wind was also a strong day, so it gradually became he disgusted.
Leaving the Jackie on the table?
Because, safety fences are installed so as not to fall near the "石垣 = Ishi gaki" for human, a dog whose body size does not match will fall out of the stone wall.
Especially since Jackie is an active dog ...
For Jackie, Marugame Castle is his favorite walking course, he is familiar with walking.
And it is a walking path of Marugame citizen and a place of relaxation.
石垣 = Ishi gaki(stone wall)
I do not explain in order because I follow the order of description on my homepage.
It is a page of Japanese.
If you like, please see the photos on the website below.
Currently 4 pages are listed.
Marugame castle
Please listen to Japanese old music, which we have less opportunities to listen to like these old Japanese music.
黄鐘調 越殿楽 = Oo-shiki-chou(黄鐘の音を主音とする旋法 = Melody based on A) E-ten-raku
盤渉調 越殿楽 = Ban-shiki-chou(盤渉の音を主音とする旋法 = Melody based on B) E-ten-raku
平調 越殿楽 = Hyou-jyou(平調の音を主音とする旋法 = Melody based on E) E-ten-raku
The above-mentioned old music changes to music like the one below and is liked by the Japanese.
If you speed up the tempo of the above song and simplify the melody it will be the following song.
This music expresses a scene where a samurai dances with a spear and a Japanese Sake cup.
Instead of the Japanese sake 's cup, it expresses the situation with a fan.
Musique japonaise traditionnelle — Ensemble Sakura, 黒田節, Kuroda bushi (minyô)
剣舞「黒田武士」 = Sword dance "Kuroda Samurai"...."節 = tune" instead of "武士 = Bu-shi = Samurai"....?
In Japan, martial artists and artists are divided into various schools, each with its own personality.
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