
Marugame castle - 44

Marugame castle - 44

A samurai who became energetic as soon as passing the "御殿門 = Go ten mon".
It is the back side of "御殿門 = Go ten mon".
I think that the characteristics of "薬医門 = Yaku i mon" are well understood.
As shown in the photograph, the structure behind the gate has only a pillar that supports the roof.

In the left hand of the gate, there are a "番所 = Ban-sho", a "駕籠部屋 = Ka-go-be-ya", "武家長屋 = Bu-ke-naga-ya".
The white wall seen far beyond the door of the gate, the wall with roof is a covered standing on the "石垣 = Ishi gaki".

御殿門 = Go ten mon(Gate of palace)
薬医門 = Yaku i mon(Building type;Only behind stand two pillars for reinforcement the two main pillars, with roofed gate.
         Originally it was made as the main gate of the samurai residence and noble family mansion, but later They started to make this gate without door for the doctor. Since then, this type of gate is called "薬医門 = Yaku i mon".)
番所 = Ban sho(Guardhouse)
駕籠部屋 = Ka go he ya(Palanquin room)
藩主 = Han syu(Feudal Lord or Daimio)
武家長屋 = Bu ke naga ya(Tenement house of Samurai)
石垣 = Ishi gaki(stone wall)

I do not explain in order because I follow the order of description on my homepage.
It is a page of Japanese.
If you like, please see the photos on the website below.
Currently 4 pages are listed.

Marugame castle

Please look at the Daimyo garden of the Marugame clan saying "万象園=Ban-shou-en=Whole creation garden" this time.
This garden is a garden that was playing well since childhood.




The "生駒家 = Ikoma family period" who was the Castle owner of Marugame and the "京極家 = Kyogoku family period" that lasted until the Meiji period, who reached the same ancestor Emperor Uta as my family line.
Although it is introduced in the above video, the Daimyo of "京極家 = Kyogoku family" likes "煎茶道 = Sen-Cha tea ceremony" and has a tea house built in the garden.
The tea house of "煎茶道 = Sen-Cha tea ceremony" remaining in this garden is the oldest existing tea house in Japan.
My father liked "Sen-Cha tea ceremony".


I am thinking about writing this blog as much as possible about Marugame castle and Japanese traditional arts.
If you are interested in beauty Ladies of Chinese ancient in line with Cleopatra, please come to my English page below.

Beautiful four girls of ancient Chinese


Please refer to the page of "佟丽娅=Tong Li Ya" first introduced below.


Folk music of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China


If you are interested in astronomical observation etc, please come to the following page by all means.

NASA celestial observation information


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