Marugame castle - 30
Trace of "礎石 = So seki" of "渡り櫓 = Watari yagura"
"本丸 = Hon maru" in the southwest of the "隅櫓 = Sumi yagura", where is facing the east direction from the same "隅櫓 = Sumi yagura" as the last time.
The place higher by beyond the "礎石 = So seki" row is the "隅櫓 = Sumi yagura" in Southeast.
Each "隅櫓 = Sumi yagura" in "本丸 = Hon maru" and "二の丸 = Ni no maru" is similar to the shape of "天守 = Ten syu", but it was a two-story "隅櫓 = Sumi yagura".
Please see the link page below for what image it is.
A white wall was built on the top of "石垣 = Ishi gaki" and the "礎石 = So seki" lined up on the left side of it, and the roof was on top of it.
Like this, "本丸 = Hon maru" and "二の丸 = Ni no maru" was a solid and magnificent structure, with the "隅櫓 = Sumi yagura" and the "渡り櫓 = Watari yagura" connected.
渡り櫓 = Watari yagura(corridor with wall and roof)
礎石 = So seki(cornerstone)
本丸 = Hon maru(Main defensive facilities)
隅櫓 = Sumi yagura(Corner tower)
二の丸 = Ni no maru(Defense facility in the second row)
天守 = Ten syu(Castle tower)
石垣 = Ishi gaki(stone wall)
I do not explain in order because I follow the order of description on my homepage.
It is a page of Japanese.
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Currently 4 pages are listed.
Marugame castle
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春の海 = Haru No Umi(Spring Sea)
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春の海 = Haru No Umi(Spring Sea)
六段の調 Rokudan no Shirabe
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