Marugame castle - 30
Trace of "礎石 = So seki" of "渡り櫓 = Watari yagura"
"本丸 = Hon maru" in the southwest of the "隅櫓 = Sumi yagura", where is facing the east direction from the same "隅櫓 = Sumi yagura" as the last time.
The place higher by beyond the "礎石 = So seki" row is the "隅櫓 = Sumi yagura" in Southeast.
Each "隅櫓 = Sumi yagura" in "本丸 = Hon maru" and "二の丸 = Ni no maru" is similar to the shape of "天守 = Ten syu", but it was a two-story "隅櫓 = Sumi yagura".
Please see the link page below for what image it is.
A white wall was built on the top of "石垣 = Ishi gaki" and the "礎石 = So seki" lined up on the left side of it, and the roof was on top of it.
Like this, "本丸 = Hon maru" and "二の丸 = Ni no maru" was a solid and magnificent structure, with the "隅櫓 = Sumi yagura" and the "渡り櫓 = Watari yagura" connected.
渡り櫓 = Watari yagura(corridor with wall and roof)
礎石 = So seki(cornerstone)
本丸 = Hon maru(Main defensive facilities)
隅櫓 = Sumi yagura(Corner tower)
二の丸 = Ni no maru(Defense facility in the second row)
天守 = Ten syu(Castle tower)
石垣 = Ishi gaki(stone wall)
I do not explain in order because I follow the order of description on my homepage.
It is a page of Japanese.
If you like, please see the photos on the website below.
Currently 4 pages are listed.
Marugame castle
Please listen to Japanese music.
春の海 = Haru No Umi(Spring Sea)
What kind of instruments does this music use?
春の海 = Haru No Umi(Spring Sea)
六段の調 Rokudan no Shirabe
Marugame castle - 29
Marugame castle - 29
View of the Marugame Plain
I moved to the "隅櫓 = Sumi yagura" in the southwest of the "本丸 = Hon maru" of Marugame castle.
The mountain in the center, that name is 大麻山 = Oo-asa mountain (琴平山 = Kotohira mountain, 金毘羅山 = Kon-pira-yama), the mountain where there is a guardian goddess "金毘羅 = Kon-pi-ra" shrine of Buddhism.
Kinpira shrine is on the left side of this mountain.
In the Edo period etc, the custom called '金毘羅参り = Kon-pi-ra-mai-ri' comes from all over Japan, and many people had a pilgrimage this mountain shrine.
Guardian goddess "金毘羅 = Kon-pi-ra".....I think that it will be "Archangel Michael".
He is the leader in the "十二神将 = Jyu-ni-shin-shou" who protect Buddhism.
The original name of this mountain is "象頭山 - Zou-zu-mountain", its meaning is "a mountain resembling the elephant's head".However, ancient Japanese people have never seen the shape of an elephant.....
In "Buddhism", this "象頭山 - Zou-zu-mountain" is "伽耶山 - Ga-ya-mountain trained by Buddha", this mountain becomes a sacred mountain.
And the official name of 金毘羅大社(Kon-pi-ra Tai-sha) is "象頭山(Zou-zu-mountain) -普門院( Fu-mon-in) - 松尾寺(Matsu-o-ji) - 金光院(Kon-ko-in)".
Similarly, The shrine in Mie prefecture, pilgrimage to the god of the ancestor of the Japanese Emperor was also flourishing as "伊勢参り - I-se-mai-ri".
Many people who pilgrim to "金毘羅 = Kon-pi-ra" landed from Marugame Port near Marugame Castle, and went to "金毘羅 = Kon-pi-ra" while watching Marugame Castle.
It was until the Edo period that what was called "金毘羅 = Kon-pi-ra" ...
It was forcibly changed from a Buddhist temple to a shrine by the "divine Buddhist separation ordinance" in the early Meiji era, which was called "金毘羅 = Kon-pi-ra" to "金刀比羅宮 - Ko-to-hi-ra-gu Shrine) ".
It is my Japanese page, but ...Please take a look at the representative pilgrimage areas in Japan.
"金毘羅 = Kon-pi-ra (金刀比羅宮 - Ko-to-hi-ra-gu Shrine)" and its inner back Shrine
隅櫓 = Sumi yagura(Corner tower)
本丸 = Hon maru(Main defensive facilities)
金毘羅参り = Kon-pi-ra-mai-ri(Pilgrimage to guardian goddess "金毘羅 = Kon-pi-ra")
十二神将 = Jyu-ni-shin-shou(Twelve Guardian goddess)
象頭山 - Zou-zu-mountain(A Mountain resembling the elephant's head)
象頭山 - Zou-zu-mountain(= 伽耶山 - Ga-ya-mountain trained by Buddha)
I do not explain in order because I follow the order of description on my homepage.
It is a page of Japanese.
If you like, please see the photos on the website below.
Currently 4 pages are listed.
Marugame castle
View of the Marugame Plain
I moved to the "隅櫓 = Sumi yagura" in the southwest of the "本丸 = Hon maru" of Marugame castle.
The mountain in the center, that name is 大麻山 = Oo-asa mountain (琴平山 = Kotohira mountain, 金毘羅山 = Kon-pira-yama), the mountain where there is a guardian goddess "金毘羅 = Kon-pi-ra" shrine of Buddhism.
Kinpira shrine is on the left side of this mountain.
In the Edo period etc, the custom called '金毘羅参り = Kon-pi-ra-mai-ri' comes from all over Japan, and many people had a pilgrimage this mountain shrine.
Guardian goddess "金毘羅 = Kon-pi-ra".....I think that it will be "Archangel Michael".
He is the leader in the "十二神将 = Jyu-ni-shin-shou" who protect Buddhism.
The original name of this mountain is "象頭山 - Zou-zu-mountain", its meaning is "a mountain resembling the elephant's head".However, ancient Japanese people have never seen the shape of an elephant.....
In "Buddhism", this "象頭山 - Zou-zu-mountain" is "伽耶山 - Ga-ya-mountain trained by Buddha", this mountain becomes a sacred mountain.
And the official name of 金毘羅大社(Kon-pi-ra Tai-sha) is "象頭山(Zou-zu-mountain) -普門院( Fu-mon-in) - 松尾寺(Matsu-o-ji) - 金光院(Kon-ko-in)".
Similarly, The shrine in Mie prefecture, pilgrimage to the god of the ancestor of the Japanese Emperor was also flourishing as "伊勢参り - I-se-mai-ri".
Many people who pilgrim to "金毘羅 = Kon-pi-ra" landed from Marugame Port near Marugame Castle, and went to "金毘羅 = Kon-pi-ra" while watching Marugame Castle.
It was until the Edo period that what was called "金毘羅 = Kon-pi-ra" ...
It was forcibly changed from a Buddhist temple to a shrine by the "divine Buddhist separation ordinance" in the early Meiji era, which was called "金毘羅 = Kon-pi-ra" to "金刀比羅宮 - Ko-to-hi-ra-gu Shrine) ".
It is my Japanese page, but ...Please take a look at the representative pilgrimage areas in Japan.
"金毘羅 = Kon-pi-ra (金刀比羅宮 - Ko-to-hi-ra-gu Shrine)" and its inner back Shrine
隅櫓 = Sumi yagura(Corner tower)
本丸 = Hon maru(Main defensive facilities)
金毘羅参り = Kon-pi-ra-mai-ri(Pilgrimage to guardian goddess "金毘羅 = Kon-pi-ra")
十二神将 = Jyu-ni-shin-shou(Twelve Guardian goddess)
象頭山 - Zou-zu-mountain(A Mountain resembling the elephant's head)
象頭山 - Zou-zu-mountain(= 伽耶山 - Ga-ya-mountain trained by Buddha)
I do not explain in order because I follow the order of description on my homepage.
It is a page of Japanese.
If you like, please see the photos on the website below.
Currently 4 pages are listed.
Marugame castle
Marugame castle - 28
Marugame castle - 28
The "塩飽諸島 = Shi-waku-sho-tou" centering on the "本島 = Hon-jima", in the era of the Sengoku period(1467-1590) before the Edo period(1603-1868), it was considered to have a power, called the Shi-waku Navy.
"Oda Nobunaga" of the powerful Sengoku Daimyo, and "関白 豊臣秀吉 = Kan-paku Hide-yoshi Toyo-tomi" of the later "安土桃山時代 = A-zuchi-momo-yama-ji-dai", and "将軍 徳川家康 = Shou-gun Ie-yasu Toku-gawa" in the "江戸時代 = E-do-ji-dai" also gave "(朱印状 = Shuin-jō)", and the Shi-waku islands became a self-governing body.
In Tensho 18th year (1590), "関白 豊臣秀吉 = Kan-paku Hide-yoshi Toyo-tomi" designated the vessel of 650 shipowners.
From the "将軍 徳川家康 = Shou-gun Ie-yasu Toku-gawa" in the Edo era, the shipowners that was granted the territorial rights of the "Shi-waku islands" was called the "人名 = Nin myou"
Their administrative office, "塩飽勤番所 = Shi-waku-kin-ban-sho" was set up on the Hon island, and four people "人名 = Nin myou" were chosen for politics.
In 1860, the "咸臨丸 = Kanrin Maru" sailor was occupied by 35 people out of 50 people who crossed the Pacific Ocean to exchange the ratification paper of the Japan - US Cooperation Agreement on Treaty of Commerce.
Those 35 people were from the Shi-waku islands.
By the way, during this time there are events that mourn the dead called "O-bon" in Japan.
The Japanese pray to the spirit of the ancestor towards the Buddhist altar and the grave, the daily report and the life in the peaceful heaven of the dead.
And because there are many people who will return home, traffic jams and crowded trains will occur.
I am not Buddhist, I am a Catholic so it doesn't matter.
However, I went to the grave of my ancestors yesterday for the first time in two years.
天守 = Ten syu(Castle tower)
本島 = Hon-jima(Hon island)
塩飽諸島 = Shi-waku-sho-tou(Shi-waku islands)
戦国時代 = Sen-goku-ji-dai(Sengoku period(1467-1590))
塩飽水軍 = Shi-waku-sui-gun(Shi-waku Navy)
江戸時代 = E-do-ji-dai(Edo period(1603-1868))
関白 豊臣秀吉 = Kan-paku Hide-yoshi Toyo-tomi(Emperor's chief advisor Toyotomi Hideyoshi)
安土桃山時代 = A-zuchi-momo-yama-ji-dai(Azuchi Momoyama period(1573-1603))
将軍 徳川家康 = Shou-gun Ie-yasu Toku-gawa(Tokugawa Ieyasu General)
朱印状 = Shuin-jō(license with a red seal or shogunate license to trade)
人名 = Nin myou(Name of a person)
塩飽勤番所 = Shi-waku-kin-ban-sho(Administrative office of Shi-waku)
I do not explain in order because I follow the order of description on my homepage.
It is a page of Japanese.
If you like, please see the photos on the website below.
Currently 4 pages are listed.
Marugame castle
咸臨丸 = Kanrin Maru = Japanese warship Kanrin Maru
Kanrin Maru SecondLife
John Manjiro: The First Japanese Person in America KICKSTARTER
Whitfield-Manjiro Friendship Society
The birthplace of John Manjiro
"天守 = Ten syu" and "本島 = Hon-jima"
The "塩飽諸島 = Shi-waku-sho-tou" centering on the "本島 = Hon-jima", in the era of the Sengoku period(1467-1590) before the Edo period(1603-1868), it was considered to have a power, called the Shi-waku Navy.
"Oda Nobunaga" of the powerful Sengoku Daimyo, and "関白 豊臣秀吉 = Kan-paku Hide-yoshi Toyo-tomi" of the later "安土桃山時代 = A-zuchi-momo-yama-ji-dai", and "将軍 徳川家康 = Shou-gun Ie-yasu Toku-gawa" in the "江戸時代 = E-do-ji-dai" also gave "(朱印状 = Shuin-jō)", and the Shi-waku islands became a self-governing body.
In Tensho 18th year (1590), "関白 豊臣秀吉 = Kan-paku Hide-yoshi Toyo-tomi" designated the vessel of 650 shipowners.
From the "将軍 徳川家康 = Shou-gun Ie-yasu Toku-gawa" in the Edo era, the shipowners that was granted the territorial rights of the "Shi-waku islands" was called the "人名 = Nin myou"
Their administrative office, "塩飽勤番所 = Shi-waku-kin-ban-sho" was set up on the Hon island, and four people "人名 = Nin myou" were chosen for politics.
In 1860, the "咸臨丸 = Kanrin Maru" sailor was occupied by 35 people out of 50 people who crossed the Pacific Ocean to exchange the ratification paper of the Japan - US Cooperation Agreement on Treaty of Commerce.
Those 35 people were from the Shi-waku islands.
By the way, during this time there are events that mourn the dead called "O-bon" in Japan.
The Japanese pray to the spirit of the ancestor towards the Buddhist altar and the grave, the daily report and the life in the peaceful heaven of the dead.
And because there are many people who will return home, traffic jams and crowded trains will occur.
I am not Buddhist, I am a Catholic so it doesn't matter.
However, I went to the grave of my ancestors yesterday for the first time in two years.
天守 = Ten syu(Castle tower)
本島 = Hon-jima(Hon island)
塩飽諸島 = Shi-waku-sho-tou(Shi-waku islands)
戦国時代 = Sen-goku-ji-dai(Sengoku period(1467-1590))
塩飽水軍 = Shi-waku-sui-gun(Shi-waku Navy)
江戸時代 = E-do-ji-dai(Edo period(1603-1868))
関白 豊臣秀吉 = Kan-paku Hide-yoshi Toyo-tomi(Emperor's chief advisor Toyotomi Hideyoshi)
安土桃山時代 = A-zuchi-momo-yama-ji-dai(Azuchi Momoyama period(1573-1603))
将軍 徳川家康 = Shou-gun Ie-yasu Toku-gawa(Tokugawa Ieyasu General)
朱印状 = Shuin-jō(license with a red seal or shogunate license to trade)
人名 = Nin myou(Name of a person)
塩飽勤番所 = Shi-waku-kin-ban-sho(Administrative office of Shi-waku)
I do not explain in order because I follow the order of description on my homepage.
It is a page of Japanese.
If you like, please see the photos on the website below.
Currently 4 pages are listed.
Marugame castle
咸臨丸 = Kanrin Maru = Japanese warship Kanrin Maru
Kanrin Maru SecondLife
John Manjiro: The First Japanese Person in America KICKSTARTER
Whitfield-Manjiro Friendship Society
The birthplace of John Manjiro
Marugame castle - 27
Marugame castle - 27
In "讃岐の国 = Sanu ki no Kuni" there are many castles, ancient, medieval and modern.
"Sanuki no Kuni" There are many mountains in Kagawa prefecture in "玉藻なる山 = a mountain shaped like a round algae".
"Sanuki" is an old country name, but its meaning is "to praise the beautiful mountains like the round algae."
It is used as a mountain castle from its shape.
Continue from last week, please enjoy the view from "本丸 = Hon maru".
It is a landscape from the "隅櫓 = Sumi yagura" in the northwest of "本丸 = Hon maru".
A "隅櫓 = Sumi yagura" in the northwest of "二の丸 = Ni no maru" was built above "石垣 = Ishi gaki" which is one step rising which is visible in the center of the picture.
Although it is hard to see, "Seto Ohashi bridge" and dark "Utazu Gold Tower" are reflected.
The image of the medieval castle does not spring up just by the distant view of "天霧城 = Ama giri Castle" and "本台城 = Moto dai castle" which is the "medieval mountain castle" last week.
I searched for videos of "Two Castles of the Middle Ages" of "Sanuki no Kuni", and Kansai's "Chihaya Castle = Chi haya castle" but it was not found. I can not shoot "Castles of the Middle Ages" video because my heart disease.
The pictures I posted here are the pictures when I was healthy and researching at the engineering laboratory.
The picture is a bit old, but would you like it?
At the bottom of this page is a link to the video of the restored "medieval castle".
Please have a look.
讃岐の国 = Sanu ki no Kuni(Country of Sanuki or Country of Praise the beautiful mountains)
(Sanu ki = Praise the beautiful mountains)(Kuni = Country)
本丸 = Hon maru(Main defensive facilities)
天守 = Ten syu(Castle tower)
隅櫓 = Sumi yagura(Corner tower)
石垣 = Ishi gaki(stone wall)
二の丸 = Ni no maru(Defense facility in the second row)
天霧城 = Ama giri Castle
本台城 = Moto dai castle
千早城 = Chi haya castle
I do not explain in order because I follow the order of description on my homepage.
It is a page of Japanese.
If you like, please see the photos on the website below.
Currently 4 pages are listed.
Marugame castle
In fact, at the time of the Middle Ages all the trees around the castle's territory were cut down, used as guard fences, huts. The rest of the trees were thrown to the enemies climbing towards the castle.
In the video there is a forest in the immediate vicinity of the castle, in fact it was a sloping area with no trees.
Even if the enemy is approaching the castle, if trees are growing like a video, you can not find it?
【Ara to Castle】 Restored Sengoku Castle
Takane Castle
[Saka i castle] Restored Sengoku castle
Although the castle is not a restored castle, protective equipments of the form "障子堀 = Sho ji moat" remain.
What is Shoji?
Yama naka Castle
In "讃岐の国 = Sanu ki no Kuni" there are many castles, ancient, medieval and modern.
"Sanuki no Kuni" There are many mountains in Kagawa prefecture in "玉藻なる山 = a mountain shaped like a round algae".
"Sanuki" is an old country name, but its meaning is "to praise the beautiful mountains like the round algae."
It is used as a mountain castle from its shape.
Continue from last week, please enjoy the view from "本丸 = Hon maru".
It is a landscape from the "隅櫓 = Sumi yagura" in the northwest of "本丸 = Hon maru".
A "隅櫓 = Sumi yagura" in the northwest of "二の丸 = Ni no maru" was built above "石垣 = Ishi gaki" which is one step rising which is visible in the center of the picture.
Although it is hard to see, "Seto Ohashi bridge" and dark "Utazu Gold Tower" are reflected.
The image of the medieval castle does not spring up just by the distant view of "天霧城 = Ama giri Castle" and "本台城 = Moto dai castle" which is the "medieval mountain castle" last week.
I searched for videos of "Two Castles of the Middle Ages" of "Sanuki no Kuni", and Kansai's "Chihaya Castle = Chi haya castle" but it was not found. I can not shoot "Castles of the Middle Ages" video because my heart disease.
The pictures I posted here are the pictures when I was healthy and researching at the engineering laboratory.
The picture is a bit old, but would you like it?
At the bottom of this page is a link to the video of the restored "medieval castle".
Please have a look.
讃岐の国 = Sanu ki no Kuni(Country of Sanuki or Country of Praise the beautiful mountains)
(Sanu ki = Praise the beautiful mountains)(Kuni = Country)
本丸 = Hon maru(Main defensive facilities)
天守 = Ten syu(Castle tower)
隅櫓 = Sumi yagura(Corner tower)
石垣 = Ishi gaki(stone wall)
二の丸 = Ni no maru(Defense facility in the second row)
天霧城 = Ama giri Castle
本台城 = Moto dai castle
千早城 = Chi haya castle
I do not explain in order because I follow the order of description on my homepage.
It is a page of Japanese.
If you like, please see the photos on the website below.
Currently 4 pages are listed.
Marugame castle
In fact, at the time of the Middle Ages all the trees around the castle's territory were cut down, used as guard fences, huts. The rest of the trees were thrown to the enemies climbing towards the castle.
In the video there is a forest in the immediate vicinity of the castle, in fact it was a sloping area with no trees.
Even if the enemy is approaching the castle, if trees are growing like a video, you can not find it?
【Ara to Castle】 Restored Sengoku Castle
Takane Castle
[Saka i castle] Restored Sengoku castle
Although the castle is not a restored castle, protective equipments of the form "障子堀 = Sho ji moat" remain.
What is Shoji?
Yama naka Castle
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